Are you prepared?
This year, the theme of the Summer Reading Challenge is Space Chase, inspired by the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing. To support this, we’ve explored the archives and discovered all things space from Britannica to help the Rockets on their big mission.
Ever wondered how sailors use the stars to navigate their way across oceans? Want to find out about the very first space exploration and the first astronauts to ever venture further than the Earth’s atmosphere? Do you want to read stories from some of the best science-fiction writers to inspire you to write your own story?
This summer we want you to read as much as you can, and you have access to more information that you could ever read through Britannica Library.
When summer begins, the first stop on your mission is to navigate to the ‘Challenges’ tab and start exploring!
The Summer Reading Challenge is run by The Reading Agency and you can find out more about it here.

We have come up with 6 weekly challenges for you to join in on, with exciting articles and short stories from Britannica Library to help you on your mission! You can navigate to each weeks activities by clicking the links below…
Challenge 2: The Sun, Moon and Stars
Challenge 3: Look to the Stars

At the end of the challenge, there will be a short quiz for you to test you knowledge on all the things you've learnt along the way!
Quiz coming soon...