Britannica ImageQuest

Access over 3 million images from likes of Getty and the UK’s National Portrait Gallery.

ImageQuest provides access to 60 of the world’s most respected image libraries, providing high-quality, trustworthy images for teachers and students.

Every photo and illustration comes with fully referenced metadata information, including the source, the copyright holder, caption and keywords. Many of the images are not freely available on the internet, moreover, you can trust the source and be certain that you’re using an accurate photo.

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Bring English to life

All images in ImageQuest are rights-cleared for non-commercial, educational use making it perfect for teachers planning lessons, those preparing school websites and newsletters, and students. Teachers can use ImageQuest as the visual springboard for teaching English as a second language (ESL). For example, images of street scenes can stimulate conversations about the names of objects and what is happening, thus contextualising the use of language.

Safe search

Our editors review all photos and images before they are included in the ImageQuest library. Editors regularly review the library too, ensuring the images remain relevant and appropriate.


What types of images can I find in Britannica ImageQuest?

Britannica ImageQuest includes photographs, maps, diagrams, clip art and other images from over 50 of the best collections around the world. These are cross-curricular and include images from a variety of subjects including but not limited to: life and medical sciences, geography, history, literature, art and mathematics.

How can I use Britannica ImageQuest images?

Images can be used in numerous ways: as part of a project, homework, assignments, internal websites or ‘workspace’. The high quality of all the images means they display very well on interactive white boards and projectors.

Can I copy, download or reuse images in my own work?

All Britannica content is royalty-free and cleared for copyright on the condition that it is being used for an educational, non-commercial purpose. You may not remove or alter any copyright, trademark, service mark or other legends or proprietary notices. Each downloaded image includes a small watermark in the upper left corner.

How can we integrate Britannica ImageQuest?

Access to ImageQuest does not require individual login IDs or passwords. There are a range of authentication options. We work with most LMS systems and also provide access through IP authentication and URL referral. Britannica will work with your institution to provide remote access. For further technical support, please contact Britannica on +44 (0)20 7500 7800. This service is available Monday through Friday from 9am to 5pm UK time.

How will the Britannica team support my subscription?

Britannica provides a range of online resources to help with the uptake and use of its resources; links can be found here. Britannica provides regular online webinars for new and existing customers; you can book these here. In addition, for new customers, we organise customer-specific online training tailored to meet your school’s specific needs.