Ramadan, starting on 15th May, is observed by Muslims around the world as a month of fasting to commemorate “the best of times”. Our Curriculum Specialists have put together a lesson plan on Ramadan for you to use it with your class.
Learning objectives:
To begin to explore Islam and religious festivals.
Success criteria:
• Recognize that people in different countries have unique celebrations.
• Locate countries on a map where large numbers of people practice Islam.
• Learn about fasting.

Lesson introduction:
Show pupils definition of Ramadan.
Main Task:
Click here and display the picture, ask pupils what they already know about this picture and what they would like to know.
Ask pupils to talk about what they know about Islam, are there any other faiths that celebrate festivals are they linked to Islam?
Show pupils the article based on Islam and fasting, review and record pupil’s answers and consider how they might feel if they fasted and ask if they know any other regions that may fast.
Mini Task:
Ask class to use compare countries to create a fact file using word or publisher about countries that follow Islam. Pupils must include information about population, capital cities and religion.
Pupils to discuss their findings with a talking partner and share ideas and lesson understanding. Allow pupils time to complete their task after reviewing understanding.
Ask pupils to write their own definition of Ramadan.
Pupils to share their definitions, record these and ask pupils to create a class definition.
To research two religions that fast and why they do that.
Follow up lesson ideas:
Pupils to develop understanding through learning a further reading of religious festivals:
• Hanukkah
• Christmas
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